This term we have looked at the book Wolves. We talked about the information that the story gave us and research more about wolves to create an information leaflet to give to rabbits to help keep them safe from predators. We wrote poems about the qualities of wolves and used our acting skills to come up with an alternative ending. We also looked at the story The King Who Banned the Dark. We talked about why he banned the dark, what the consequences were and wrote him a persuasive letter asking him to bring the dark back.
In maths we have been looking at place value including hundreds, tens and ones. We learnt how to compare them and put them in size order. We also looked at what happens when adding and subtracting 1, 10 or 100.
In science we have been looking at nutrition, bones and muscles. We learnt what a healthy diet looks like and what nutrients our bodies need to grow. We also investigated our bones and muscles and how these help us to move.
We have been looking at the Iron Age and how artefacts can help us to discover what life was like at that time. We have investigated hill forts and learnt about staters, coins that were used as offerings to the gods. We have also looked at why the Iron Age was not a peaceful time.
In geography we have been looking at megacities and why so many people live there. We have learnt that most megacities are in Asia and investigated why that is. We also looked at the world’s first mega city Baghdad and looked at why it was the first city on Earth to reach a population of 1 million.
For our art we have looked at prehistoric paintings. We have learnt how to use simple shapes to build up a sketch of an animal and experimented with making and using natural pigments. We then created a cave like texture on card using lentils and couscous and painted our animals onto this texture. We also created a class piece of handprints using similar techniques to those used in the stone age.
In our PSHE we have been looking at how to work with others collaboratively, how to resolve conflict in friendships and how to respect other peoples opinions even if we don’t agree with them.
For our computing this term we have been learning how to use tools to create a short digital comic book.
This term we have started learning Spanish. We have learnt different ways to greet and say goodbye to others. We have also looked at how to ask questions like ‘How are you?’ and ‘What is your name?’ and how to respond to these. Recently we have started to learn how to count to 10 and say colours in Spanish.
In RE we have looked at the religion of Sikhism as what is means to a Sikh to join the Khalsa, the worldwide family of Sikhs. We learnt about the Amrit ceremony that Sikhs take part in to join the Khalsa and the promises that a Sikh will take. We also learnt about the 5ks a Sikh promises to wear and why these are important.
The fundamental skills of bouncing a ball is what year 3 practiced this term. Additionally they have learnt how important spatial awareness is in sports and game situations. The children were taught how to bounce a ball following watching demonstrations. As they progressed they practiced passing a ball and creating space for their team mates.