This term we have been looking at the story The Tin Forest about a man who wishes he lived in a jungle. We talked about how the old man in the story felt at different points and wrote diary entries from his point of view. We also looked closely at the language in the story and created performances to understand it better. Using different materials, we created our own tin forests. After reading more of our story we found out that real animals and plants had started to make a home in the old man’s tin forest. Using different coloured card, we have included the real animals and plants in our tin forests too.
For maths we have been focusing on multiplication and division. We started by learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables then looked at using formal methods to multiply and divide larger numbers using these facts.
For art we have been looking at 3D sculptures. We started off by looking at how we could attach 2D shapes together to create a 3D structure and experimented with different shapes and joining techniques. We then used this knowledge to create our own abstract 3D sculptures.
Year 3 have had a lot of fun this term looking at the Romans in Britain. We started with when the Romans first invaded, how they had to defeat the Celt leader Boudicca and some of the changes they made to Britain while they were here. We are looking forward to continuing our enquiry into Roman Britain next term.
For PE we have been looking at our throwing and catching and batting skills. We have been focusing on throwing underarm accurately and using our skills and tactics to play team games with batters and fielders.
This term our PSHCE focus was on Keeping Safe. We looked the difference between risk and danger and how we can identify risks and reduce the danger in different situations. We also looked at how to keep ourselves safe online with a particular focus on identifying false information online. Finally, we explored the risks of alcohol and cigarettes.
In RE we looked at the question ‘Could Jesus heal people? Were these miracles or is there some other explanation?’. We talked about what a miracle is and looked at the story of Jesus and the blind man and Jesus and the paralysed man. We discussed the Christian belief that Jesus could perform miracles as he was the son of God and what other explanations there might be for the stories. Finally we though about what miracles we would perform if we had that ability and how it would help others.
During science this term we have looked forces. We started by focusing on friction and its advantages and disadvantages. We discussed how we would increase friction by add more weight to an object and how lubricants such as oil or soap help to decrease friction. Then we moved onto looking at magnetism. We tested different materials to see if they were magnet and used paper clips to test the strength of different magnets.
This term we have been looking at the climate of the UK. We learnt that the weather changes day-to-day but that the climate is the average weather over 30 years. We investigated the changes on rainfall and temperature in the UK and plotted this in line graphs. Also we found out why the north of the UK is colder than the south and why the west is wetter than the east. We will continue to look at climates next term and focus on those of deserts and rainforests.
Our focus this term has been on online safety. We looked at why we should only talk to people we know online and why talking to strangers can be dangerous even if they seem nice. We also looked at avatars and why these are a good way of keeping our identity private online but how people can also use these to lie about who they are online. Finally, we talked about what cyber bullying is, why someone would do it and how it can effect people.
For Spanish we have been learning the names of ten common fruits and how to says these in singular and in plural and began to say if we like or dislike these fruits.
We have been looking at the notes C D E (Do Re Mi) in music. We have studied how they look on the treble clef stave, whether they are on the line, in space on need their own line. We used these notes to create rising and falling phrases then composed a simple short tune. We chose either to play crotchets, quavers or a crotchet rest.