In English, we have finished reading ‘The Mousehole Cat’ and have created a beautiful display board in school. We explored the story from different characters’ points of view, practised predicting what might happen next.
We have also started reading ‘The Wild Robot’ and are working on writing a summary of the story, retelling it, creating a story map, and writing an eyewitness statement. We organised our work using subheadings.
In Maths, we have been focusing on arithmetic, tally and bar charts and manipulating information to create these or to find answers to questions. We have also learnt about time and fractions.
Our Geography lessons have been centred around learning about the Ring of Fire and studying earthquakes in Haiti and Chile.
We delved into the structure of plants and what they need to survive, including sunlight, water, and nutrients. We also learned about photosynthesis and how plants grow. We planted our own seeds and made predictions about their growth.
Pot A – had water, sunlight and soil
Pot B – had water and soil but no sunlight
Pot C – had soil but no water and no sunlight
The children discovered that a plant will only grow healthily when it has all three elements, sunlight and nutrients in the soil and water.
Our historical studies have revolved around the Vikings, Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Norsemen, and King Alfred. We explored what the Vikings wanted and how Alfred managed to obtain it.
In PSHE, we have been discussing ways to keep ourselves safe, acknowledging our talents and achievements, and making positive choices.
Our RE lessons have focused on Sikhism, the importance of sharing, and the celebration of the Festival of Vaisakhi. We even created our own Diva lamps and learned about the concept of Seva.
In PE, we have been having a blast exploring different athletics activities. We have been practicing our throwing and catching using different types of passes. Exploring how we can use our bodies to exercise on the spot. With a focus on teamwork, perseverance our PE sessions are helping us stay active, build confidence, and have fun while staying fit.
Stay tuned for more exciting updates and happenings in our classroom. Thank you for your continued support!
Warm regards,
Miss Ashraf and Mrs Wilson