Cinderella Rockafella
We have continued with our study of Macbeth this half term. We have really analysed the characters and their motives, especially Macbeth and his wife. Most of our English curriculum has been based around Cinderella Rockafella, which will be performed on 6th July. The children have worked hard to learn songs and lines to put on a fantastic show! For those who have chosen not to have a role in the actual performance have created some fantastic props and scenery! We also have our music technician who has focused on playing the correct sound effect at the perfect moment! A huge thank you to the team, who have worked so hard alongside the children to give them this opportunity.
In Maths, we have been learning how to read Pie Charts. We have used our fractions and percentage knowledge and skills to be able to analyse these graphs. We have also continued to work on our number facts including prime numbers, times tables and factors. The children have also worked on pictograms and bar graphs and applied this knowledge in other areas of the curriculum.
We have been learning all about light and the human eye. We have learnt the parts of they, about luminous and non-luminous materials and shadows. The children have labelled parts of the eye, recorded findings in a table and carried out investigations in small groups.
The Year 6 BFG’s have used our iLearn2 computer scheme to create music this half term and have absolutely love it! This being a new scheme to school the children worked through the year 3 activities before beginning the Year 5 learning. So to start with they used Chrome Music Lab Song Maker to look at scales, chords, rhythm and tempo. They then used ‘Incredibox’ – which was so much fun. This website builds up a mix using beat, effects, melodies and voices. The children drag and drop each symbol to experiment and compose music creations.
After this the children learnt how to start using ‘BeepBox’ which is an online tool creating music by patterns and number. Children can then edit with their knowledge of music the tempo, volume, sound type and rhythm.
Finally, the children looked at and started to learn to use an online drum machine ‘Muted I0 Drum Machine’. This creates a beat online with a simple, fun 16 step drum machine – there are symbols representing a drum sample – Kick/Snare/Hi-Hat/Tom/Clap/Low-Tom/or snap.
This term the children have practiced their rounders skills; this has included batting, fielding, bowling and catching. Once secure with their skills, the children applied their skills to game situations. For the game situations there was also a particular focus on sportsmanship skills. These included: respect, responsibility, fairness, honesty, integrity, caring and civility.
On Thursday 15th June, we were invited up to the Finley Gate Wharf by the Canal & River Trust. When we arrived we were greeted by a number of instructors, some for a canoeing activity and the others to discuss about the local history of our town and how the canal network was integral to this and the growth of Burnley during the industrial revolution.
During the History and Science session, we were learning about:
How were the canal links used? (Horses pulling along boats loaded with cotton and coal)
Why were the canal links used? (Factories and speedy).
Why did it every stop? (Cars, Lorries and more factories moving abroad).
The children then had a challenge where they had to create their own boat and see which person’s boat could carry the biggest load.
The other session was the canoeing, so after all the safety equipment was put on the children, they got into the canoe and were told about the canal and how it was used and key landmarks across Burnley that can be seen from the canal. The children loved rowing down the ‘Mile Straight’ and back.
It was a brilliant experience and one we’d love to do again soon!