In English this term we have been exploring the Dick King Smiths story The Hodgeheg. The Hodgeheg tells the story of Max, a hedgehog who bumps his head after an attempt to cross the road. As a result, he begins to jumble up his words when talking to others and loses sense of direction. The story deals with road safety as Max tries to understand how humans cross the road. As part of the unit we have been able to explore hedgehogs in there habitat, make predictions about the text, understand and develop characters emotions through role play and action and really honed in on our road safety skills. We have even created posters to help max cross the road safely next time. Our independent writing has involved writing from the perspective of characters and in terms of Grammar, year two have been working super hard on their sentence structure, using punctuation correctly and building up a bank of vocabulary to push adjectives into our work.
In our maths lessons this term we have been focusing on using our number knowledge to help us to solve Multiplication and Division problems. During multiplication children learnt key vocabulary such as array, groups of, lots of, repeated addition and double. We have used clapping, patterns, rhythms and songs to help us to remember our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
During our division lessons we have been using cubes to sort large numbers smaller equal groups, as well as pictures to help us visualise our number sentences. We have explored different ways of grouping and sharing and investigated the links between division, multiplications, and Odd/ even numbers.
In order for us to become fluent we have been using our maths fluency mats every morning as well as using multiplication triangles to consolidate our learning.
This terms science topic is Animals including Humans. We have been focused mainly on animals both wild and domestic. Year 2 have been provided with opportunities think scientifically, seek and explore, problem solve and give some analysis of secondary sources. Many of our sessions have involved practical elements, we particularly enjoyed taking care of Miss Davies’ pet tortoises for the afternoon. We learn the importance of responsibility and understand what it takes to keep pets healthy and happy. Alongside this we also learn about the survival of wild animals and what we as a community can do to support our ecosystem. Year two enjoyed discovering, planning, preparing, and creating their own bird feeders hang in their gardens.
In history we have focused on discovering the greatest historical figure. As part of this unit we have been able to use secondary sources and conducted our own research into 6 main historical figures: Grace darling, Hatshepsut, Malala, Marie Curie, Elizebeth I and Margaret thatcher. We have also created whole class mind maps on historical figures that we have learnt about in whole school assemblies such as Winston Churchill. We are working towards understanding what it takes to become a historical figure
We have also been fortunate to take part in activities with specialist visitors that have come in to talk to us about Remembrance Day and the importance of the poppy.
In Geography we have continued our topic and deepened our understanding of Kampong Ayre. Kampong Ayer is a prominent traditional settlement in Indonesia. It comprises neighbourhoods of traditional houses, schools and mosques built on stilts above the Brunei River near the capital’s city centre. We have explored a wide range of sources from maps, atlases and globes to photographs, videos and weather forecasts, to enable us to create a picture of what it is like living in a village so different to ours. we have prior knowledge and experiences to make comparisons between homes in kampong Ayre and our homes.
As part of our PHSCE unit this term. Year 2 have been exploring the importance of valuing differences. We have been discussing what we can do to create environment where people can and want to do their best. We have taken part in activities that promote working effectively in this diverse community. We have explored conversations surrounding self-awareness considering, poor treatment, and conflict, and demonstrating that you value others.
In year 2 this half term the Fantastic Foxes have been hard at work learning the lyrics for this year’s Christmas Carols and songs for our Nativity Performance.
We looked through the lyrics then talked about which lines made up the verse and chorus. We listened to the introduction, so we knew when to start singing, with good sing posture.
Our confidence has grown over these last few weeks of rehearsals, ready for our ensemble performance at St Catherine’s Church.
Year 2 then sang at our whole school Christingle Service.
In computing this half term, the children have used the website Junior Infant Tools Chart. We looked at examples of charts and discussed what they show and why we have them – this is to make data easier to understand. We discussed how computers make it easier and quicker to create charts instead of colouring them in and drawing lines. We gathered data and learnt how to tally. Using the Junior Infants Tools Chart, we created our own pie charts, pictograms, block chart and line graphs.
Key Question: Why do Christians believe God gave Jesus to the world?
The Fantastic Foxes had a superb start to this topic. Mrs Lingard surprised them and came in dressed as a superhero. This was the hook to a discussion about how Christians believe God sent his one and only son Jesus as a gift to save the world and make it a better place to live in, by teaching others to love each other and their world, helped by God.
We read the story ‘George Saves the World By Lunchtime’ by Eden Project. Then looked at advent calendars, one commercial, the other depicting a traditional Christmas scene asking – Which ones are about the Christian story of Christmas? Following this we chatted and asked each other how Christians prepare and look forward to Christmas? How we celebrate at school? How we prepare for our Christmas at home with our families?
We helped each other find the quote in the bible ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ (Mark 12:28-31). Finally, the children had a superb lesson from the Bel and Grace at Life Church in Rosegrove through the Pais Movement.