This half-term the topics covered in Maths have included 2D and 3D shape, measures and pictograms. As well as learning about faces, vertices, sides and corners, we have searched for shapes around us in the classroom. The children also created their own pictograms.
In our English lessons we have been reading ‘The Last Wolf’. An alternative take on Little Red Riding Hood. The children have explored the characters and used drama techniques such as ‘hot-seating’ and role play. The topic ended by writing a persuasive letter. The book touches on deforestation and this has linked nicely to our Geography topic of Global Warming.
In our Geography lessons we have been learning about how Global Warming is affecting the planet. The children have been very knowledgeable about how we can try to reduce our carbon footprint and have taken part in discussions.
In RE, the Fantastic Foxes have enjoyed learning about Judaism. They have learnt The Exodus Story, where the Jews were freed from being slaves in Egypt. We sang the famous song ‘Let my people go’ linking our music with our current RE topic. We created a class Seder meal and discussed how this reminds Jewish families of the Passover and what food is eaten to remember the story. We talked about why it is important to Jewish people to follow God’s instructions. We also visited The Hebrew Synagogue in Bury. Susan kindly showed us around and we asked questions. We were so impressed seeing the scrolls. The children were thrilled to experience what it is like to be inside such a special place.
Year 2 have been studying E-Safety in their computing sessions this half-time term. We have discussed what the internet is and how we use it in school and at home.
We then went on to chat about what is meant by the term personal information and why we should keep this private. After watching ‘Hectors’ World’ episodes and ‘Lee and Kim’ videos we discussed online safety and keeping ourselves self both at school and at home.
Our Science lessons this half-term have been focussed on Materials. The children have been working hard to link the physical features of materials to their uses and have taken part in an experiment right from the prediction down to recording the results.
In our History lessons the children have been learning all about the Great Fire of London. The children know how the fire started at a bakery on Pudding Lane and that Samuel Peyps wrote a diary as he was an eyewitness.
Our PE lessons have been on dance this half term. The unit was based on a story and the children used this as inspiration to travel and perform different gestures.
The Fantastic Foxes have created their rhythms in music using their favourite colours and foods. This made us fill rather hungry! We listened are repeated each other’s word phrase rhythm. Then we created a body percussion storm, starting quietly with our finger and hand taps, tapped out thighs, feet and loud hand claps.
We were also very lucky to be visited by the Lancashire Fire and Rescue team who talked to us about how to keep safe and what to do if there was a fire.