In English this half term we have read ‘Look Up!’ The book features the hilarious, science-mad chatterbox, Rocket, who believes she’s going to be the greatest astronaut, star-catcher, space-traveller that has ever lived! The children thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and have grown in confidence when attempting to deduce information from illustrations and the text. The children have completed persuasive writing, writing in role and taken part in role play to deepen their understanding of the plot and the characters.
Following on from this we started reading ‘The Secret Sky Garden’. In the story, Funni creates a beautiful garden on a car park rooftop. She likes spending time there, but something is missing. Over the course of the book, she transforms the abandoned area into a beautiful garden and with it, discovers a new friend. We have created role on the walls, written predictions and taken part in book talk. The children have been tasked with using a variety of sentence openers, suffix words and a range of punctuation in their writing.
The Creeping Toad visited school as part of World Book Day and we were lucky enough to listen to stories and use props to help us with our own story telling and art work!
In our Maths lessons we have revisited the 4 operations. The children get tested on arithmetic as part of their Key Stage One assessments so it is important that they can confidently and successfully answer these kinds of questions. We have also covered telling the time during lesson starters and the children are enjoying practising this skill throughout the day.
In our Science lessons our studies have continued with Chemistry and the topic of Materials. The children have taken part in investigations including which materials are stronger and which materials float or sink. Our learning led us to Charles Macintosh and his famous invention of waterproof coats!
During Science week we all took part in an investigation to notice changes over time. We chose to put some bread in three different places around the classroom and we used magnifying glasses to spot any changes.
We have continued to learn about the Great Fire of London in our History lessons and were lucky enough to have a visitor from Delve into History where the children took part in an informative and fun workshop. As you can see from the pictures, the children were able to expand their learning through role-play and costume.
In Geography, the children have continued to learn about Global Warming. We read the story Winston of Churchill. The book is about a smart, fierce, brave bear, Winston of Churchill, who notices that his icy home is slowly melting away. The children were able to summarise the story and see the impact that global warming is having on different places around the world. During this enquiry we have also learnt about the wildlife that lives in the Arctic and Antarctica, the Greenhouse effect and climate change.
This half term the fantastic fox children have worked their socks off during our computing lessons!! We have explored and learnt to understand a web page, how it displays the information in different ways with text, images, videos and interactive elements. We have used the web page to find answers to a different topic each week. The most exciting was The Great Fire of London.
In DT the children have been learning how to make a moving monster! We have learnt about pivots, levers and linkages and we created functional linkages that produce the desired input and output motions.
In PE we have been studying striking and fielding. The children have been learning and working on techniques such as over arm throw, exploring different ways to strike an object and improving co-ordination of striking a ball with a bat.
In Music the year 2 children have been appraising music/active music using Charanga. We have listened to a piece of music in our weekly sessions and tried to identify if and when the musical elements change. Playing our classroom percussion, we have used, claves, tambourines, triangles and coconuts. We have also been hard at work learning some Easter songs for our EYFS/Ks1 Easter Service at St. Stephen’s Church.