Fantastic Foxes Summer 2


‘The Secret of Black Rock’ was the book that we read this half-term. This story really got our creative juices flowing because out there in the deepest sea lies the Black Rock: a huge, dark and spiky mass that is said to destroy any boats that come near it! We used role play and freeze frames to explore character viewpoint, we wrote diary entries and we created scenes from the book with our art skills using pastels and charcoal.



After revising and consolidating the four operations in Maths we moved onto time. The children got much more confident with o’clock and half past and managed to tell the time to 5 minutes. We also studied fractions of amounts and were able to use bigger numbers this time.


The Fantastic Foxes loved having the opportunity to work in the garden for some of our Science lessons. We did some weeding first in order to make sure that the soil would be suitable for the seeds to be planted. In addition to this we planted cress seeds in sandwich bags on cotton wool that we kept in the classroom so we were able to monitor them closely and observe what happened.


In Geography, our learning about Where the Land Meets the Sea led us to discovering all about the Great Barrier Reef. We did some cross curricular Geography and Art using pointillism to attempt to replicate the Great Barrier Reef.



In PE we have been working on our throwing skills – underarm, overarm and chest passes.


We designed a storyboard to create a moving picture storybook in our Art lessons. The children loved the design process and seeing the picture come to life.




In DT we created chairs from paper. The children had to ensure that we used the correct techniques so that the chairs would be strong and sturdy enough for the job.


In RE we had a brilliant class discussion about why our journeys were special, who we went with, why we went, what we needed to take with us, how we got there and how we felt after the journey.

This then led us onto thinking about the Muslim pilgrimage Hajj. We watched a few BBC Teach videos and learnt about the steps to be completed. We learnt that by completing Hajj, Muslims are showing a commitment to Allah. God is really important to Muslims, they are prepared to make lots of effort to show him this. Hajj is one of the 5 pillars and one of the 8 doors to heaven.


This half term year 2 children have used a ‘Scratch’ style activity to develop their programming skills. The skills they have developed are to predict, sequence and execute a simple programme then use a loop to simplify the code. Through our computing scheme the children have listened to the tutorial videos to then understand the tasks they need to complete.


This half term the children have used stick dot and stick notation to create their own compositions. We began by creating a class piece using the rhythm grid in Charanga. Then wrote our own on a whiteboard. We then performed our composed piece to the class.


The whole school did some fundraising for the Pendle Side Hospice when we all wore yellow! We were visited by a representative from the hospice and we learnt about all the wonderful things that the hospice does and just how much money they need to accomplish it all. Hopefully the money from Springfield school has helped with this!

As a treat for completing our SATS earlier in the summer, we enjoyed crisps and juice! The children worked so hard and they definitely deserved a reward.

Towards the end of the year, we went to the seaside at St. Anne’s for our school trip. We visited the RNLI first and we were split into two groups to learn all about the lifeboats and water safety. After this we walked along the pier to the beach where we ate our lunch. The children then enjoyed playing on the sand. We had buckets and spades, balls and even a frisbee! It was a fantastic day and even the weather stayed dry for us!


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all-day Spring Term Swimming
Spring Term Swimming
Feb 11 all-day
Spring Term Swimming
Year 4 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 07 January and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 01 April
3:15 pm Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Feb 12 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
from Wednesday 08 January and then every week until Wednesday 12 February
3:15 pm Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Feb 13 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
from Thursday 09 January and then every week until Thursday 13 February
3:15 pm February Half-Term Holiday
February Half-Term Holiday
Feb 14 @ 3:15 pm
February Half-Term Holiday
School closes Friday 14 February at 3.15pm for the half-term
8:45 am Back to School
Back to School
Feb 24 @ 8:45 am
Back to School
School opens on Monday 24 February at 8.45am and breakfast club for those who have a place will be open from 8.00am
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Feb 24 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]


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Tel: 01282 437277

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