Over this half term in Gruffalos, we have settled in and made lots of new friends. We have been learning the school rules and routine, practicing our good sitting, our good looking and our good listening. We have enjoyed lots of story times allowing time for us to develop our listening skills and knowing the different parts of a book and the understanding of what has happened in the book.
In our Reading Hour we have been learning the sounds S, A, T, P, I. we have been learning to build and make words with those sounds, how to write them and read them in words.
In Maths we have learnt all about numbers 1 to 4, we have looked in depth at the composition of each number and all the different ways it can be represented. We have learnt the rhymes to help us remember how to write the numeral.
We have been learning our fundamental movement skills of running, jumping, skipping, hopping and throwing/catch. To help develop our fine motor skills we have been enjoying playdough disco, using scissor to develop our scissor skills and hammering golf tees into pumpkins.
In PHSE we have learnt about things that make them special and who and what is important to them as individuals. As well as how to be a good friend and what makes a good friend, including how we can help.
In our Understanding of the World we have learnt about the season Autumn and what the signs of Autumn are, we then went on an Autumn walk to identify the signs of Autumn around school. In addition we learnt about the festival called Harvest, we learnt that food comes from lots of different places and it does not just come from the shop it takes lots of different ways to get there.
In our Expressive Arts and Design we have enjoyed creating pictures of who lives in our house as well as role playing and acting out the story of Rama and Sita linking to Diwali. In Music we have learnt to listen, name and play different musical instruments.