The children have had an amazing Autumn term! This half term we have looked at the stories Room on the Broom, Funnybones and Owl Babies, as well as our Christmas stories.
During provision the children really enjoyed our story of Owl Babies and loved creating their own owl artwork using transient art.
In literacy we worked on our understanding of the beginning, middle and end of a story, we became very confident in doing this independently and retell the story using puppets in our reading area.
In Maths we have continued to develop our understanding of numbers and knowing their value and how they can be represented in so many ways. We have learnt that these numbers can be composed in many ways with lots of different apparatus.
We took a visit to Church and had a visit from Father Roger. We went on the bus so we could see what it looked like ready to take part in the whole school Christingle and our Nativity performance. In RE we focussed on the story of Christmas and how Mary and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem and baby Jesus was born.
We have begun exploring our new Forest School focusing on the rules and expectations and how we keep ourselves safe and use equipment safely.
As part of our Understanding the World we watched and took part in the skittles Science experiment where we discovered that the colour runs and makes a rainbow!
In PHSE our topic was ‘Celebrating Differences’. We discussed what makes us similar to each other and how we can be different from our hair colour, skin colour and our height.
Finally, we showcased our singing and performance skills in our Nativity and learnt why we celebrate Christmas.