In Maths, we continued with our topic of fractions. The children applied their prior understanding of fractions and multiplication to compare, add and subtract fractions by finding equivalent fractions through multiplying the denominators and numerators. We also added and subtracted mixed numbers, taking care to ensure we did not finish with a mixed number and an improper fraction. Finally, we looked at multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers. As a class, we explored word problems linked to multiplying fractions to understand how and why we need to multiply fractions and in which real-life contexts are learning can be applied.
We have now turned our focus on to decimal numbers. The children are using their understanding of fractions such as tenths and hundredths to help them identify, read and write decimal numbers. We will continue to learn about decimals and percentages next term.
The class have continued to read Charlotte’s Web this term. As Charlotte (a spider) is one of the main characters, we have tried to learn as much as we can about spiders to help us with our understanding of the story. Therefore, the children have conducted research on spiders and have planned and written their own non-chronological reports including the necessary features- Sub headings, paragraphs, technical language etc.
As the story has continued, we have looked at the main events and how they impact the characters. The children have particularly enjoyed looking at Wilbur’s point of view and have been able to empathise with the character as he has faced different situations throughout the book.
This term, our topic has been Earth and Space. The children have enjoyed learning all about the solar system including the names and locations of the planets. The children have compared the size of each planet and their distance from the Sun. We were all so surprised to see how large the Sun was compared to the planets and we found that the gas planets are significantly more spread out than the rock planets.
Also, we have looked at the cyclical movements of the moon and Earth and how these affect our day and night on Earth. Once the children had fully understood the movements and their impact, they were able to explain the processes in a verbal presentation as well as in a written piece.
This half term we have been answering the question ‘where in the world is the most valuable thing and who owns it?’ We first looked at different resources of pictures and quotes about people living in Birmingham and the very deadly disease, cholera. The children had to put all the clues together to find out that the treasure that we were talking about was clean water. We then looked at different maps such as political and relief maps and we were measuring the distance from Birmingham to other cities within the UK. We also looked at what is meant by a scale on a map. We were then looking at the geography of Wales and why Thomas Barclay wanted to build reservoirs in Wales.
In RE this half term, we investigated the idea of destiny and how significant it is for Christians to believe that God intended for Jesus to die. Children looked at the main events of Holy Week and drew their own conclusions from the evidence they had. They considered whether God intended Jesus to be crucified or whether Jesus’ crucifixion was the consequence of events during Holy Week.
We have focussed on animation and app design in computing. The children have used PowerPoint to create short animations and applications. They have learned how to duplicate slides and include transitions to make short videos and have even a maps application giving directions to locations in our local area.
We continued to look at Goldilocks and the Three Bears this term. The children moved on from reading and understanding the story to writing a recount of the story, first by filling in missing words and then, working in pairs, writing key parts of the story in Spanish.
Within our PSHCE sessions this half-term, we have learnt about smoking and alcohol, why people smoke and drink, the effects on our bodies and our minds. They discovered what peer pressure is and how they can handle this. We discussed how each of us can make our own decisions based on facts and information that we have learnt. We also looked at the impact of social media and how it can affect how we feel and what we do.
The Year 5 Children have been appraising music via the Charanga Music website. We have listened to a piece of music each week in our music sessions. We have learnt new music vocabulary – Syncopated and off-beat. Whilst listening to the music we tried to identify these rhythms. We also tried to identify the style and tonality of the piece.
Exploring the purpose and impact of images from the ‘Space race’ era of the 1950s and 60s; the year 5 children developed their independence and decision-making using open-ended and experimental processes; combining drawing and collagraph printmaking to create a futuristic image. The children studied the artwork ‘Spacewalk’ by the artist Teis Albers.
In Year Five, we’ve been learning about Gymnastics in PE. The unit of work has all been based around balances and tensions.
The first few weeks of learning were based all around pairs conducting a counter balance, after achieving this key skill we then moved onto counter tensions where partners move whilst keeping a strong connection using hands, wrists, legs or another part of their body. The children have worked really hard on these key Gymnastic skills and from what I’ve seen, have really enjoyed learning them as well.
Prior to Mothering Sunday, the children each got the opportunity to design and create a Mother’s day card to take home.