Hogwarts – Autumn 2


This term in English we have been reading The Lost Happy Endings. We have looked at the common themes in Fairy Tales and read some alternative ones as well. We picked out key language in the story to help us draw what the evil witch looks like and explored what often happens to evil characters in fairy tales. We then wrote our own alternative ending to Little Red Riding Hood to make it an unhappy ending. We wrote poems to describe the two main characters in the Lost Happy Endings and wrote our own version of the ending by predicting what would happen next after Jub, the main character, found a magical golden pen.


The term’s maths has been focused on multiplying and dividing. We have found different ways of using the times tables we know to work out the ones we don’t and how to find the inverse of a calculation. We have even started to look at how to find a remainder when dividing.


In science we have been looking at sound. We have investigated how sound travels, the difference between high, low, loud and quiet sound waves and how to soundproof an area.


In geography we have been looking at the enquiry Beyond the Magic Kingdom: What is the Sunshine State Really Like? We started by looking at the Magic Kingdom theme park in Florida and why it is so popular. We then expanded our enquiry into the geographical features of Florida and why people, choose to go on holiday there. Finally, we looked at how humans are endangering turtle populations in Florida and wrote a short persuasive text to persuade others to help look after turtles.


In PSHE we have looked at stereotypes and how first impressions of people can be hurtful to others. We have looked at what bullying is, why people do it and the effect it has on the bullied and the witnesses. We have also thought about how we can be kinder to ourselves and what we like about our own personalities and appearance.


We have had a lot of fun making rollercoasters in DT this term. We designed our rollercoasters and used existing ones to help us before moving on to creating it out of cardboard. We have tested them using marbles and added extra supports and barriers where needed before painting them.


This term’s PE has been looking at throwing and striking a ball for the sport of cricket and tennis. We started with striking the ball with our hands before moving on to small cricket bats and tennis rackets. The children have also developed their underarm throwing skills. Sports qualities that have been instilled in the children include co-operation and determination.


For our RE this term we have looked at the symbolism in the Christmas Story. We have investigated what each part of the Christmas Story represents for Christians and what Christmas time means to us. We also looked at what a Christingle symbolises before taking part in our Christingle service at the church. We then created our own version on a Christingle to symbolise what Christmas or Christmas time means to us.


During our computing lessons we have talked about how to keep ourselves safe online including: not sharing personal information, letting an adult know if something online if bothering us, how to spot spam emails and even what plagiarism is. We have also looked out how to use search engines such as Google effectively to find information and how to check the reliability of this information.


This term we have been looking at what Christmas is like in Spain and learnt the words and meaning to the song Feliz Navidad. We also created Christmas cards written in Spanish.

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3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
3:15 pm Revision Club
Revision Club
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Revision Club
from Monday 27 January and then every week until Monday 24 March
3:15 pm Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
from 3.15pm to 4.00pm from Monday 06 January and then every week until Monday 10 February
all-day Spring Term Swimming
Spring Term Swimming
Feb 11 all-day
Spring Term Swimming
Year 4 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 07 January and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 01 April
3:15 pm Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Feb 12 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
from Wednesday 08 January and then every week until Wednesday 12 February
3:15 pm Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Feb 13 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
from Thursday 09 January and then every week until Thursday 13 February
3:15 pm February Half-Term Holiday
February Half-Term Holiday
Feb 14 @ 3:15 pm
February Half-Term Holiday
School closes Friday 14 February at 3.15pm for the half-term


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Tel: 01282 437277

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