Marvels – Autumn 2


In Maths this half term, we continued with our ‘Maths – No Problem!’ scheme. 

Firstly, we completed our ‘Numbers to 10’ topic. We ordered and compared numbers. We looked at one more and one less for numbers up to 10.    

Next, we moved onto our ‘Number Bonds’ topic.  We made number bonds using pictures, ten frames and part whole models.  We then progressed onto making number stories using pictures to help us.   


This half term in English, we studied the book ‘Man on the Moon (A Day in the Life of Bob) by Simon Bartman. 

Firstly, we looked at illustrations from the story before reading the text.  We focussed on the main character, Bob and discussed our initial thoughts about him.  For example, what might his job be?  What type of a person might he be? What does he like to do?  We recorded these thoughts on an image of Bob.  We then explored the text a little further and discovered what Bob’s actual job was and what he liked to do.  We then updated our thoughts and opinions about him on our image of Bob.  Next, we thought about the questions we would like to ask Bob.  We wrote down our questions and we learnt how to use a question mark.

We looked at pictures of space and leant new vocabulary and we used this to help us to write simple sentences. We focussed on capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

We also composed our own letters to Bob. We included some of the questions that we would like to ask him and we remembered to use questions marks.


In Science this half term, we continued with our ‘Animals’ topic. 

We were able to describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals.  We looked at different groups of animals such as: birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and amphibians.  We had to identify the animals and sort them into groups by comparing the differences and similarities between them.  We did this both practically and written down using Venn diagrams.

To finish our topic, we learned about the human body.  We were able to name, identify and label the parts of the human body.  We then used our senses to look at, feel, smell, touch and taste a range of different foods including popcorn and chocolate.  


In RE, we began our new topic of Christianity.  We were aiming to answer the question ‘What gifts might Christians in my town have given Jesus if he had been born here rather than Bethlehem?’

Firstly, we discussed what a ‘gift’ is and gave examples of this.  We thought about gifts that we had received and we discussed how it is not appropriate to give the same gift to everyone.

We also looked at why people give presents at Christmas.  We learned about how Christians believe that Jesus was a gift from God.  We then thought about a gift that we were grateful for and a gift that we would like to receive.  We thought about a suitable gift for Baby Jesus and showed this work through pictures and a sentence. 

After this, we watched a video of The Christmas Story and talked about the people in it and what happened.  This then helped us to sequence pictures of The Christmas Story.

To finish our topic, we learned about Christingles and made our own.


Our topic this half term was ‘Celebrating Differences.’ As part of this topic, we identified similarities between people in our class. 

We then spent time thinking about the differences between people in our class. We all contributed to book that we made celebrating the differences in our class.

During this topic, we have also listened to other people as well as contributing our own ideas about rewards and consequences. 


In computing this half term, we have been continuing to familiarise ourselves with using a computer. We continued to practise logging on, opening a search engine, using a mouse, click and drag and logging off correctly. We also began to explore BugClub. We learnt how to read books that have been selected for us, answer the Bug questions, place books in our libraries so that we can read them again and play phonics games. 


P.E. this half-term has been based around rolling the ball. The children have practiced with lots of different types of balls (Rugby, Football, Tennis, Netballs etc.) the children then rolled the ball in several different games. The children then attempted to apply tactics by shadow passing. Then applying these tactics to a game like situation.


During this half term, we looked at the first ancillary question: ‘Why don’t penguins need to fly?’  We read the story ‘Where is Home, Little Pip?’ by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.  Afterwards, we discussed what kind of animal Pip was and in what sort of place she lived; why getting lost was so dangerous for Pip and what might have happened to her given the conditions she encountered. We were encouraged to think about the geography of this place – particularly the landscape and associated weather conditions.  We then thought about what we already knew about penguins and where they live. 

We used a world map to identify the continents and oceans of the world.  We learnt a song to help us remember them!  The continent we were focussing on was Antarctica.  We watched a video clip and discussed why it is known as the ‘white continent.’  We looked at images of Antarctica and thought about what it would be like to visit there and what we might see and hear.  We used an image of Antarctica to think of adjectives to describe what it would be like there and what we might see.  We then compared Antarctica to other continents such as Africa and South America.


In DT this half term, we have designed and made fabric faces. At first we explored different types of fabrics and learnt how they were made. Then we experimented with different techniques for creating hair effects and how to join two pieces of fabric. We even learnt to skill of sewing. We designed our own fabric faces and the we created them using the techniques that we had learnt. When we had finished, we evaluated our fabric faces. 

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3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
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from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
3:15 pm Revision Club
Revision Club
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Revision Club
from Monday 27 January and then every week until Monday 24 March
3:15 pm Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
Feb 10 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Y1 & Y2 Mindfulness
from 3.15pm to 4.00pm from Monday 06 January and then every week until Monday 10 February
all-day Spring Term Swimming
Spring Term Swimming
Feb 11 all-day
Spring Term Swimming
Year 4 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 07 January and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 01 April
3:15 pm Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
Feb 12 @ 3:15 pm – 4:00 pm
Y5 & Y6 Athletics Club
from Wednesday 08 January and then every week until Wednesday 12 February
3:15 pm Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
Feb 13 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Y4 Y5 & Y6 Drama Club
from Thursday 09 January and then every week until Thursday 13 February
3:15 pm February Half-Term Holiday
February Half-Term Holiday
Feb 14 @ 3:15 pm
February Half-Term Holiday
School closes Friday 14 February at 3.15pm for the half-term


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