Headteacher Welcome

A welcome message from Mrs Samaira Nasim, Headteacher

Hello and welcome to Burnley Springfield Community Primary School. I hope that you find the information on our school website both insightful and informative.

For our children and staff, Springfield is not just a school but a real community of enthusiastic learners. As a school we strive to inspirechallenge, and empower our children so that when they start the next stage of their educational journey, we can be confident that not only have they reached their full academic potential but leave with high levels of resilience, self-worth, confidence and are equipped with essential skills which will allow them to make their way in the world.

Our educational philosophy is based on developing the whole child that is not just focused on academic success. Consequently,  we also place considerable emphasis on emotional literacy and positive mental health and development; we believe these underpin positive behaviour for learning. We wholeheartedly believe that these factors, alongside high-quality teaching and learning;  delivering an ambitious curriculum- fit for all- that considers our children’s life experiences as well as providing enrichment experiences, to build their cultural capital, is what leads to success.

As parents and carers, you are vital partners in the work we do. We recognise and understand the importance and significance of building positive relationships between home and school. For this reason, we encourage as much parental participation as possible whilst your child is with us.

The stars of our school are, of course, our children and the staff themselves. We have a dedicated team of passionate staff who are always willing to go above and beyond to ensure everyone experiences success within a happy, safe and secure environment. In terms of the children, very few visitors fail to comment on their politeness and enthusiasm. For this reason, I feel very privileged and proud to be the Headteacher of this fantastic school.

Useful Dates

all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Sep 17 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Sep 23 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Sep 24 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
9:00 am Tempest Photography
Tempest Photography
Sep 26 @ 9:00 am
Tempest Photography
on Thursday 26 September in the morning from 9.00am, Tempest will be on site to take individual/sibling photographs
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Sep 30 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Oct 1 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Oct 7 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]


Oxford Road, Burnley BB11 3HP

Tel: 01282 437277

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