More Able Learners

Our Aims

‘Most able’ pupils are those who have ability or abilities beyond the large majority of children in the school and who consequently require more challenging learning.

The aims of AGT in our school are as follows:

Planning ensures that more able pupils are sufficiently supported and challenged, so that  children make at least expected progress from their starting point.

To support teachers in recognising the wide range of pupils’ talents and abilities.

To encourage and support the development of alternative approaches to teaching and learning that engage, extend and challenge more able and talented pupils at levels appropriate to their ability.

To provide professional development opportunities for staff if highlighted as a need.

To encourage a dialogue between parents, staff and pupils in respect of pupils’ special talents, abilities and developmental needs.

To provide a supportive social, emotional, pastoral and educational environment, including the provision of opportunities for contact with similarly able or talented peers within school and the wider community.

To monitor the progress of and evaluate the impact of AGT within school.

To actively seek students who deserve to be members of the able and talented programme

At Springfield Primary School, every child has access to Quality First Teaching through which differentiation will ensure that all pupils have access to a relevant and appropriate curriculum. This may take the form of extension (providing challenges which go more deeply into a topic) or enrichment (providing other activities which run alongside the normal curriculum and go more broadly into specific areas of study). Teachers use a range of flexible learning and teaching strategies to keep the most able children interested and provide them with challenge.

Burnley Literary Festival

Some of our more able readers at Springfield, were given the opportunity to attend an exciting workshop at Burnley library on Friday as part of Burnley Literary Festival. Here, they met Ash the rapper, who taught them to use books to create poems or raps, using the vocabulary found in them and pupils even got his autograph! They also went on a tour of the library and found the secret section upstairs, which is open to families during the holidays. Pupils said the afternoon was inspiring and one they would never forget!


Useful Dates

all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Sep 17 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Sep 23 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Sep 24 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
9:00 am Tempest Photography
Tempest Photography
Sep 26 @ 9:00 am
Tempest Photography
on Thursday 26 September in the morning from 9.00am, Tempest will be on site to take individual/sibling photographs
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Sep 30 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]
all-day Autumn Term Swimming
Autumn Term Swimming
Oct 1 all-day
Autumn Term Swimming
Year 5 will be swimming this term starting on Tuesday 03 September and every Tuesday thereafter until Tuesday 10 December
3:15 pm Choir Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Oct 7 @ 3:15 pm – 4:15 pm
Choir Rehearsal
from Monday 09 September and then every week to the end of the academic year [excluding holidays]


Oxford Road, Burnley BB11 3HP

Tel: 01282 437277

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