This term we have continued to look at the story of one of the first palaeontologists, Mary Anning. We created a newspaper article about her amazing discovery of an Ichthyosaurus and wrote a biography about her life. We then moved on to the book The Pebble in my Pocket and learnt in detail what it actually takes to create a rock. We then read and wrote poetry inspired by what we had learnt.
In maths this term we have been focusing on the 3- and 4-times tables. We learnt how to use arrays and bead strings to help us divide and multiply by 3 and 4 and used our knowledge to answer word problems. We have also been looking at how to tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest minute.
In DT we have been creating cushions. We started off by learning how to do a running stitch and cross stitch and practicing these skills. We then learnt what applique is and used this knowledge to practice attaching patches to pieces of fabric. Finally, we took all of these skills to create our Christmas themed cushions.
This term we have been looking at rocks. We learnt about the 3 different types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic and how they are created. We investigated which rocks were the most porous. Finally, we looked at what soil is made up of and its different layers.
For history we continued to look at the Stone Age. We thought carefully about the summer and winter camps the Stone Age people would have made and how and why these were different. We also looked at the mysterious burial of The Red Lady of Paviland and created our own myth around this person. Finally we compared the beginning and end of the Stone Age and thought about all the important changes that had happened.
This term we continued to look at climate and weather around the world in particular that of the Atacama Desert and the Amazon Rainforest. We learnt that places on the equator are hotter because they are closer to the sun. We then investigated how this hot sun made the rainforest so wet and the desert so dry.
In Spanish this term we have recapped how to great people, ask and say our name and ask and say how we are feeling. We then focused on how to say numbers 1-10 and different colours.
This term we have been learning how to use CAD (Computer Assisted Design) software to design furniture and build a house. We learnt what different tools do and how to use then effectively to edit and improve our designs.
In RE we have been looking at Islam and the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). We looked at the story of Muhammad (pbuh) where he was visited by the Angel Jibril and received the revelation of the Qur’an. We then talked about why Muslims follow Muhammad (pbuh) and his teachings. We also looked Zakat the third pillar of Islam which talks about giving to charity and the different ways Muslims may do this.
This term in PSHCE we have been focusing on how people can be different to each other. We talked about the different types of families people may have and how they may come from different countries and cultures. Next, we looked at how some people can be prejudiced against these differences and bully others. Finally, we talked about what we can do if we are being bullied are see someone else being bullied.
This term we have been working on our ball skills. We have learnt how to do a chest and bounce pass with a netball. We then played some different games using defence and attacking skills. We have also been working on our team building skills and have had to complete different challenges using team work.
This half term we had the challenge of performing as a class ensemble in this Year’s KS2 Christmas Carol Service at St. Catherine’s Church. We rose to this challenge with a quartet singing the first verse. We learnt the lyrics to the chosen Christmas Carols and sang beautifully to our audience of parents and carers. We then sang at our whole school Christingle Service. In our keyboard sessions we have been playing tunes from the Beginners Keyboard Course on the Charanga Website. Playing the notes middle C and D with some of us starting to play E.