At Springfield Community Primary School, we believe that learning a modern foreign language (MFL) is an important part of our children’s education. It offers valuable educational, social, and cultural experiences that help them develop key communication skills, particularly in speaking and listening. By learning a foreign language, children also gain insight into how languages operate, which benefits their understanding of diverse cultures and life in a multicultural society.
The ability to speak a second language is a highly regarded skill that opens up many opportunities later in life. Whether for travel or in the workplace, knowing another language is a significant advantage. Research indicates that learning a second language promotes vital skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and listening. It also has positive effects on memory, concentration, and multitasking. Moreover, children who are proficient in foreign languages often display improved creativity and flexibility in their thinking.
Our aim at Springfield Community Primary School is to provide a vibrant and engaging foreign languages curriculum that inspires our children. We plan to implement the Language Angels scheme of work, ensuring that our curriculum remains relevant and comprehensive, covering a variety of exciting topics and themes. We set high expectations for all children, encouraging them to achieve their maximum potential and fostering a love for languages that can extend beyond Key Stage 2.
To support this, we are committed to continuously updating our curriculum in line with national Department for Education (DfE) requirements. The four key language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—will be taught clearly and appropriately for each year group. Our aim is to equip children with the tools to become independent learners in languages, enabling them to research and reference language as needed.
More than just learning skills, we want our children to develop a genuine curiosity about foreign languages. We hope to make language learning enjoyable and stimulating, giving children the opportunity to explore how language relates to identity and culture. This understanding will deepen their awareness of themselves and others, promoting an appreciation for the rich diversity in our world. Ultimately, we aspire for our children to become lifelong learners of languages.
In terms of implementation, every class will have access to a high-quality foreign languages curriculum using the Language Angels scheme. This structured programme will help children progressively acquire and use vocabulary and language skills, all organised around age-appropriate themes. The curriculum ensures that our children will build upon their foundational language knowledge in a systematic manner.
Teachers will have a clear understanding of each child’s progress in their language learning journey. We will maintain a flexible approach to lesson planning, ensuring suitable challenges to meet the diverse needs of all children. The curriculum will enable children to revisit and reinforce previously learned language, allowing them to build their skills in a meaningful way.
Our units are divided into Early, Intermediate, and Progressive Teaching Types, each increasingly challenging. Early Language units will serve as introductory material for Year 3 or novice learners, while Intermediate units will cater to Years 4 and 5, and Progressive units will be designed for Year 6 children or those with a solid grasp of foundational skills.
Throughout our language units, children will engage with a variety of activities that develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. Each lesson will define clear objectives and include interactive materials that promote student engagement through speaking and listening tasks. We will incorporate activities within lessons to cater to children at varying levels of proficiency, alongside extended writing exercises to encourage reflection and retention of learned concepts.
The structure of our curriculum is akin to ‘language Lego’, where children gradually build complex language structures from the foundational elements they have acquired. Regular formative assessments will provide insight into each pupil’s understanding and progress within key language skills, as outlined in our school policy.
The impact of our language curriculum will be evident through structured progression, both within individual units and across the broader teaching framework. As children advance from basic vocabulary and simple phrases to more complex, personalised communication, their understanding and skills will become increasingly sophisticated. We will engage children with longer and more challenging texts in both English and the target language, which requires a higher level of linguistic capability.
Children will continuously revisit and consolidate their previous knowledge to reinforce learning and build fluency. Teachers will work from long-term and short-term planning documents to keep their instruction aligned with our learning objectives, ensuring that each class is taught the appropriate units throughout the academic year. At the end of each unit, children will reflect on their learning goals, enabling them to assess their own progress and achievements.
At the conclusion of each teaching unit, we will assess children’s language skills against the DfE’s attainment targets for Key Stage 2. This information will help us tailor our teaching approach to meet the needs of each individual pupil and group, while also allowing us to provide feedback to senior leadership and stakeholders. By closely tracking pupil progress, we are committed to ensuring that all children meet expected learning outcomes in their foreign language education.