Year 2 have really enjoyed their Computing lessons this half term. They have been learning about coding and online safety. The children are also getting better at logging on to the computers, saving their work and using the mouse.
In English, our topic was poetry and we read a wide variety of poems. We began with a poem called ‘Spaghetti, Spaghetti!’ The children thoroughly enjoyed immersing themselves into spaghetti – we used our senses to explore the spaghetti and then came up with a list of vocabulary to describe it.
The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the female history makers in our History lessons. One of the history makers was called Hatshepsut and she was the first female Egyptian pharaoh. The children all made traditional headdresses just like the pharaohs would have worn. We also learned about Marie Curie. She won two Nobel Peace Prizes and spent most of her life working out how radiology could help in the treatment of cancer and invented the x-ray machine.
For our Science lessons we have been learning about living things and their habitats. The children enjoyed exploring outside to see what habitats and micro-habitats we have right here on the school grounds.
In PE, the children have been working on their gymnastics skills. We have been using the equipment and challenging the children to do their balances, travels and jumps on different levels.
In PSHCE the topic was called Dreams and Goals. As well as discussing their dreams and goals, the children also made their own imaginary creatures.
In Maths, the children have been working very hard to get ready for their tests later this year. We have covered the four operations as well as time.
The children completed some excellent art work using collage and experimenting with different materials.